During the COVID-19 pandemic, employees around the world pivoted to working from home. But for eCommerce Nurse, working from home has been our ‘normal’ forever. We’re a fast-moving company in an even faster-moving industry. When it comes to eCommerce, flexibility and agility are key to helping us offer tailored services to a wide range of clients.
As a result, we have a fully remote team located around the world, in fact, we’re on three continents! And our in-house experts are actually in homes, rather than cooped up in offices or tied down to 9-5 schedules. We work hard for our clients across every discipline and are hired because we’re ultra-responsible and extra professional.
To that effect, we thought it would be fun to open our home-office doors a little and share more about who we are – the people and pets behind the desks, screens, and Vendor Central logins. We love having fun, and this blog post will show you some of our most fun-loving and helpful ‘coworkers’ that work hard every day.
Meet the eCommerce Nurse [pet] team
You've met our team of capable humans, but what about our office mates with a little more fur? True, there's no space for these buddies on our Team page, but we'd like to introduce them, nonetheless.

It's fitting that our Founder and CEO Carina McLeod would have the King of Beasts. This is Aslan the cat. Fun fact about this office bad boy: He'll go out the cat flap to the garden, but won't come back inside the house through it.

This handsome gentleman belongs to Business Administrator Danielle Rosenberg. Chico is well-trained at working from home (if not a little bit pushy with the tech support role) and wins best-dressed whenever there's a need to look smart.

Hailing from Singapore, Pepa assists our Senior Marketing Manager Dani Thompson on a daily basis. Pepa frequently enjoys long walks on the beach, bike rides around town, and working studiously on A+ Content for hours at a time.

Our Senior Content Manager Katy Luxem manages a full team of animals from Salt Lake City, USA. Chocolate labs Marge and Homer spend most of the day napping (despite the robust hiking photo). Jammer the cat contributes to staying on top of our workload in no meaningful way, except occasionally accidentally unplugging the laptop.

Amber is the owner of our Marketing Executive, Saffron Wainman. Like the other feline employees at eCommerce Nurse, Amber has more of a supervisory role. She focuses on ensuring that everything looks great for the clients in between sun-soaked naps.

Koko Pops the chihuahua is as creative and friendly as his closest teammate, Designer Anna-Marie Hughes. Obviously based out of London and fresh off the Jubilee celebrations, Koko Pops enjoys exploring the countryside, sampling tea, and staying cosy during work hours with a lap blanket.

Suede the cat works directly under Senior Client Success Manager Georgina Saxby and advises frequently to troubleshoot client accounts. He is never far from the computer desk (or sink) and tolerates Canadian winters without much fuss.

Focused on growth with Client Manager Rob Murray, Fred-Ficus-Lyrata the Fiddle Leaf Fig brings joy to the life of colleagues and clients. He deserves a spot in the limelight in a world where he otherwise takes up a background role. Truly, though, our team loves seeing this verdant fella on video calls. A quick water 3 times a week, re-potting each spring, and a few hours of morning sun are all he needs to thrive in the world of eCommerce.

Last but not least, meet the not-so-furry friend of our Catalogue Executive Vanessa Hester. Great at problem-solving and getting out of tight corners, this sleek, robotic pet is the unseen hero of working from home. Plus, this friend is mess-free and always cheerfully eager to assist.
Ready to work with us?
Thanks for humoring us while we share a few tidbits of what makes working from home so great. What do we REALLY do all day? eCommerce Nurse is a marketing and consulting agency passionate about helping brands grow and maximise their sales potential on Amazon and beyond. We offer a variety of services including full account management, strategic consulting, and marketing support. For more information about joining this absolute force, or to contact our team for assistance, just reach out and say hi!