Product documents are now available for all brand owners

4 May, 2021
2 minute read
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Amazon recently announced on their Seller Forum that brand owners registered with the Amazon Brand Registry can now include product documents on their detail pages for all ASINs they own. Manuals, guides, and fact sheets are included with 23 eligible items in the list of approved documents, which Amazon states "are intended to provide pre-purchase information and post-purchase support content to customers."

The announcement comes with many benefits for both brand owner and consumer. Brand owners could see fewer returns and fewer customer queries. The ability to use this feature is also free for Brand Registry sellers and vendors. Customers will benefit by having easier access to vital information such as the instruction manual for their new coffee table, the troubleshooting guide for the baby monitor they purchased on Prime Day, or even the safety data sheet for the fragrance oil that they intended on purchasing for their new business venture.

How to upload new product documents

Accessing this feature is easy in Seller Central if you are an eligible business.

  1. Go to Inventory > Manage Product Documents
  2. Click Upload New Document
  3. Choose a name for the document you are uploading. This is only for your reference. Customers will not see this name.
  4. Choose a document type from the list of allowed document types.
  5. Choose the language or languages that are present in the document you are uploading.
  6. Choose a file to upload. Files must be:
    • Less than 10MB
    • PDF format except for CAD drawings
    • CAD drawings may be in PDF, dwg, dxf, igs, eprt, edrw, sidprt, or stp format
  7. Search by ASIN or product name and follow the on-screen prompts to associate one or more ASINs with the document you are uploading. At least one ASIN must be applied to the document for it to be uploaded.

For more information, visit Amazon's About Product Documents page.

eCommerce Nurse is a full-service agency that can help you with the implementation of product documents throughout your catalogue. Contact us today to reach our Amazon experts and determine how we can assist you in reaching your goals.

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Saffron Wainman

Saffron Wainman

Saffron Wainman is the Associate Marketing Manager for eCommerce Nurse. Based in Yorkshire, UK, Saffron has experience in digital marketing, branding, and social media. As an avid Amazon shopper, she enjoys refining content for clients through a customer's eyes.

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