Localising product images on Amazon Vendor and Seller Central

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20 September, 2022
2 minute read
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Brand owners selling across multiple regions on Amazon were recently very excited to discover a new tool in their Amazon Seller and Vendor Central accounts. In the past the only way to display varying and country specific imagery for the same ASIN was to contact Amazon and apply to activate this feature for each specific region of your account. This process involved time, effort, and the presenting of certain documents. For a long time now sellers and vendors alike have wished for an easier way and now it seems Amazon have finally listened to our prayers. 

Why do you need country specific imagery?

Well for starters, language; even if you displayed imagery with English text in a European country that spoke English, it might not necessarily be well received. When trying to engage locals it is always far more effective communicating in their own local language. In the past with Amazon, you were left with 2 options: 1) to jump through hurdles allowing a specific region to display its own set of imagery or 2) to simply use the same set of imagery for each region which does not really allow for images with text and information on them. Another advantage of localising imagery is so you can cater the content of the images to the locals, maybe by using people or attractions from the actual country you are marketing to. This can all have a huge impact on audience engagement and sales.

How can this tool be accessed? 

Wondering how you can start using this feature? It is actually very simple to access in Seller Central. Go to Catalogue and then select Upload imagery, from there at the bottom of the page you will see a text link for brand owners stating that if you need to have images assigned only to specific countries, you can upload here – please see below screenshot:

If you are looking to localise images in Vendor Central, we have also covered the how-to of this for you in Amazon’s new country-specific upload tool for vendors

The word “infographics” may no longer be any sort of buzzword, but they remain extremely useful for easily and aesthetically conveying information to your target audience, especially online. The introduction of this new feature will now allow you to display infographics translated into the local language for each region you are selling to with huge opportunities to increase your sales and really reach out to the locals. If you want any help and advice on translations or producing different sets of imagery for each region, or if you simply feel it may be time to create a new set of images and adverts anyway and you want it done well, send us a message at hello@ecommercenurse.com and we can see what we can do for you.

eCommerce Nurse are a team of ex Amazonians and Amazon experts, with over 20 years’ experience working with Amazon in the UK, EU, and US. We have experience within vendor management, seller support, ads management, copywriting, site merchandising and marketing. We can help you grow your sales on Amazon and take your account to the next level.

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Vanessa Hester

Vanessa Hester

Vanessa Hester is the Catalogue Executive at eCommerce Nurse, and our resident expert at handling tickets and catalogue issues for vendors and sellers of all sizes. Vanessa's marketing background allows her to assist our expert team with varied campaigns, digital production, and content management.

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