How TikTok can boost your sales on Amazon

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12 October, 2022
3 minute read
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Is your brand using TikTok? If not, why not? You could be missing out.

Social media is one of the most cost-effective ways for brands to build awareness among their ideal customers in an engaging, entertaining and captivating way. 

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and more recently TikTok are key players in the social space, offering access to literally millions of active users. With 4.7 billion people across the globe now regularly using a social media platform, there are endless opportunities to reach more prospects and grow your brand.

So why TikTok, and why now?

TikTok is growing

Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has seen an unprecedented growth and it’s expected to reach 2 billion global users by the end of 2022.

But what sets it apart from its predecessors? 

It’s all about video. Despite what you may think, it’s not all silly videos for laughs. Brands are embracing the platform, and they are investing in its native ad products, which provide a compelling environment in which to promote your product in an informal and innovative way.

Video has been on the rise for the last decade, and now two-thirds of people are thought to use video as their number 1 source of information. This is just one of the reasons why consumers of all ages are using the platform. Despite TikTok being popular with the under 25’s (making up approximately 28% of their audience according to 2021 figures), over 50% are aged 20-40 years old. That’s right, those Gen Z and Millennials are also in the market for your content!

What content works? 

TikTok is increasingly being used by brands who are keen to connect with their ideal customers in an authentic way. Any content strategy should be built around the wants, needs and desires of your perfect customer, and TikTok is no exception. 

Make them laugh, teach them something about your product, align your content with themes they are interested in and get creative. Fashion, beauty, comedy, sport are just some of the most popular categories, and don’t forget to align your product with any key social trends to enhance visibility and stay relevant.

How does your content get seen?

Unlike many other platforms, content on TikTok is distributed based on what you engage with, what categories you enjoy, and what content is working. The algorithm doesn’t limit who can see your content, which means there are endless opportunities to ‘go viral,’ or more importantly, to reach thousands of like-minded users who could be in-market for your product. 

Working with influencers on TikTok can also ensure your product is seen by more prospects - to read more about finding the right influencer for your brand, see our recent blog post:

How to find influencers to support your brand.

Boosting your Amazon sales

Social Media Today states that 93% of businesses gain new customers as a direct result of posting branded video content to social media platforms, so how do you make sure new users can access your Amazon products after viewing your content?

First things first, make sure you include links to your Amazon products from TikTok and your other social media accounts (where the same content may be distributed). Make it easy for people to find out more and add to basket.

Build awareness by adding to your brand story and giving your products depth. Make an emotional or personal connection by sharing your values, your process and the benefits of your products. And show them in-situ if it works for what you’re selling. 

Stay relevant: embrace trends, use influencers (as above) and utlise the in-depth analytics tool to find out what works and what doesn’t.

Paid ads can increase your reach on TikTok. Use Custom Audience Targeting to reach more of the right kind of people, and then direct them straight to your Amazon product. Also run sponsored ads on Amazon to capture those branded searches that might be coming from TikTok and other social media platforms.

TikTok provides an innovative and creative way of reaching future customers, so have fun, and - what are you waiting for?

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Emma Smith

Emma Smith

Emma Smith is the founder of Los Social, a marketing and communications agency which helps brands create a meaningful connection with their ideal customers, through a killer content strategy. She has worked for some of the world’s biggest publishers, including Yahoo and AOL, and has 20 years' experience creating and devising social and digital content strategies for brands and advertisers.

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