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Video ads, the future of Amazon advertising

Videos are essential in advertising. They gain immediate engagement when viewers catch a glimpse of the movement and sound.  Consumers report that they prefer video over text to learn about a product. A 2021 Cisco report showed that internet video traffic would be 80% of all internet traffic, revealing the scope for businesses to use […]
Living and breathing the brands we work with

Living and breathing the brands we work with

The team at eCommerce Nurse are industry experts in all things Amazon, but we’re also real life humans and consumers ourselves, so it’s no surprise that we often influence ourselves and become advocates for the brands we work with.  Our client base is truly diverse, a super interesting bunch of brands with nice, talented people […]
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Building an advertising strategy that will help you achieve your Amazon goals

Sponsored ads will play a crucial role in your success on Amazon. However, it can be difficult to know where to start with advertising on Amazon and how you can get the most out of the money, time and effort spent on advertising. With different ad types, several types of campaigns and targeting, and new […]
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A global community for Amazon vendors

From exclusive virtual roundtables to in-person conferences, there are a variety of events for you to participate in. Learn more and sign up to guarantee your space.
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